As religious Jewish forces work to "undo" Christianity in this time period, Paul (a man who was once one of them), who encountered the risen Christ personally, now understands Christ's role in God's plan until the end of the age without contradicting the Law and Old Testament, and is guided by the Holy Spirit, now zeroes in on the theology that the Jews are using to justify their perceived "merit" with God as a people. Here Paul tries to set up a template to explain the Law and explain God's grace through the most commonly accepted account of the Hebrew Bible; the promise given by Abraham. Here, Paul illustrates how Abraham and Sarah's lack of faith bore Ishmael and how faith bore Isaac. That said, Paul uses that scenario to illustrate how believing in one's own religiosity is like going the route of Ishmael, but believing in Jesus is like believing in Isaac. In this theologically heavy message, Pastor Troy Billow explains in an easy to understand way, how Paul is trying to use Abraham and Sarah's situation to birth children of the promise to explain how Christ will carry that promise through in full as everyone who receives Him through faith are included as children of that promise first given to Abraham.