The Law serves a very critical purpose for us and the fate of our eternal state. It tells us where we are standing in God's eyes daily. The Ten Commandments serve as a foundation for the Gospel of the cross. What does that mean? The Law/The Ten Commandments was created to make us aware of our transgressions (violations, trespasses against the order & boundaries set by God), and where we fall short. We all fall short of fulfilling some of these commandments in our lives at least at some point, and no one is righteous when evaluated by the Law. Since Jesus fulfilled the Law in full without violating any of it, the Gospel (the Good News) is that we can do something about it, and that something is trust in Jesus. The Law shines light on the bad we've done. The Gospel provides a way to erase that bad, and allow Christ's blood at the cross to erase that. That's what "Jesus died for your sins" means. Paul expounds on this in detail, as Pastor Troy Billow explains.