Our Special Guest, U.S. Navy Seal Commander (Ret.) Michael Imhof, delivers a bold and critical message to the church of today. While a significant storm is gathering momentum in the world, our lives, our culture, our environment, and in our politics, the church of Jesus Christ needs to know that it carries something valuable to not only weather it, but to overcome it in victory; and that is delegated authority granted to us by the Lord Jesus Christ. Michael Imhof offers key points given to us from God's Word as to how to apply this Kingdom Authority. Michael Imhof used the promises of scripture in his career as a Navy Seal (and is the subject of his book "Stand Up for God: Biblical Principles Learned in a Military Career) and teaches us how to use the "you are Him here" approach, as ambassadors of Christ, to be prepared to engage and act in a world that is racked with pain, evil, and in that, is becoming more hostile to Christ and the good things that He stands for.